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The GSS Board

Rebekah Carpio

Fulbright Scholar Alumnas 

United States

Rebekah is passionate about discovering how the arts can reach and positively impact audiences in creative and innovative ways. Currently pursuing her doctorate at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama, her research looks into the rapid evolution of orchestras and explores how these changes are being reflected in conservatoire training, particularly in education and outreach initiatives. She came to the UK in 2013 as a Fulbright Scholar to take part in Guildhall’s Orchestral Artistry master’s programme, a unique specialism featuring partnership with the London Symphony Orchestra. She graduated with her MPerf from Guildhall in 2015, and previously received her BMus in Clarinet Performance and Arts Leadership Program Certificate from the Eastman School of Music.

Rebekah Carpio

Leah is fabulous ....



Kaleem Hawa

Rhodes Scholar 


Kaleem is is pursuing his doctorate at Oxford University as a Rhodes Scholar, writing his dissertation at the Big Data Institute on the applications of geospatial disease modelling on improving health policy and national security. A cinephile, ice hockey player, and competitive debater, Kaleem has previously worked at the World Health Organization in Geneva, the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, McKinsey & Company in Toronto, and in the Office of the Premier of Ontario. Kaleem is fellow with the Washington-based Center for Climate & Security, where he focuses on the impacts of climate change on security through the lens of public health, disaster management, and pandemic outbreaks, and on measuring and predicting impacts with data.

Kaleem Hawa

Matthew Kuan Johnson

Gates Scholar 

United States

Matthew’s research explores the processes underlying moral reasoning and behavior, and their implications for moral philosophy. He is also working on integrating theological, philosophical, and social scientific perspectives on joy and human flourishing for a Templeton funded project at the Yale Center for Faith and Culture. Matthew is currently a Gates Scholar and a PhD student in philosophy at the University of Cambridge. He holds an MPhil from Cambridge in Social and Developmental Psychology, and a B.A. from Yale University in Cognitive Science.

Matthew Kuan Johnson

Alex Kong

Gates Scholar 

United States

Alex  is a pharmacy student in his final year at the University of Kansas and a 2016 Gates Scholar and MPhil graduate. His research in the University of Cambridge’s Department of Pharmacology focused on multidrug transporters and their role in conferring antibiotic resistance to bacterial pathogens. He served as a member of the 2017 Global Scholars Symposium Executive Committee and is passionate about continuing some of the same interdisciplinary discussions that the Global Scholars Symposium embraces through a future career that fuses the basic and clinical sciences with health advocacy and policy reform.

Alex Kong

Claire Gummo

Rhodes Scholar 


Claire Gummo is currently pursuing an MSc in Global Governance and International Diplomacy at the University of Oxford, where she studies as a Rhodes Scholar. She is a recent graduate of the the Political and Gender Studies program at Queen’s University where she studied as a Loran Scholar. A sexual violence prevention and response advocate, Claire works as a Gender Consultant to organizations including the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), the Centre for International and Defence Policy, and Abacus Data.

Claire Gummo
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